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Betty Jean Kerr People’s Health Centers Behavioral Health Services formerly known as The Amanda Luckett Murphy Hopewell Center was developed on the concept of the “Balanced Service System.”

The Balanced Service System provides a systematic response to the mental health needs of individuals and their communities. This response includes the design, organization, delivery and financing of a comprehensive range of need-determined functions. In addition, the system integrates local and state resources and workload through a single cooperative administrative mechanism.

The mission of the system is to improve the quality of life of the mentally disabled by increasing the capacity of patients/clients and others to prevent, eliminate and cope with mental disabilities. The primary aim, however, is to effect patient/client levels of function and self-determination, as well as social integration and appropriateness. Services are built on the assets of patients/clients and are provided in the most natural and least restrictive environment possible. Patient/client membership in social support networks, in natural communities and in groups maintained and cultivated. Services are provided to enhance the capacity of individuals and their supporting networks, no to replace them. The expanded range of service options made available by reallocating resources is distributed in patterns reflective of the pattern of community needs.

1. Information referencing the Balanced Service System was taken from:
Joint Commission on Accreditation and Hospitals, Principles for Accreditation of Community Health Service Program, 1979.

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Betty Jean Kerr People's Health Centers are proud to announce the merger of Amanda Luckett Murphy Hopewell Center. We look forward to providing the primary care, dental, pediatric, and behavioral health accommodations you need.